Fertility awareness methods
What are fertility awareness methods?
Fertility awareness methods are different methods you can use to figure out when you can get pregnant. You can use these methods to try not to get pregnant.
How do fertility awareness methods work?
If you use these methods, you can figure out when your chances of getting pregnant are highest. If you do not want to get pregnant during this time then do not have vaginal sex; or use another method of birth control, like condoms.
How effective are fertility awareness methods?
Out of 100 women who use fertility awareness methods, between 80 and 99 do not get pregnant. Your chances of getting pregnant are lower when you use fertility awareness methods correctly and all of the time. You are less likely to get pregnant when using these methods with a condom.
How do you use fertility awareness methods?
Your chances of getting pregnant are higher during the days around ovulation, which is when you release an egg. Your body shows signs and symptoms when you are fertile such as changes in your cervical mucus. You can plan to not have sex during this time. There are four fertility awareness methods. They are calendar charting, basal body temperature (BBT) charting, cervical mucus charting and sympto-thermal charting. Make sure you are taught by a healthcare worker how to use fertility awareness methods before you try them.
What are the advantages of fertility awareness methods?
They are free or inexpensive.
They don’t cause any changes in your body.
There are no side effects.
You and your partner(s) may learn more about when women can get pregnant.
These are natural ways of trying not to get pregnant.
You can also use them when you want to get pregnant.
You gain awareness and knowledge about your body.
What are the disadvantages of fertility awareness methods?
You need to learn how to use them.
It takes time and effort to use them.
You may not be able to have vaginal sex at some times of the month.
Calendar and temperature charting may not be as effective if your cycles aren’t regular.
You are not protected against sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
You need to be comfortable with your own body to use some of these methods.