Monkeypox Screening Tool

Adapted from:


Clinical Criteria for exclusion from visiting SHC:

New rash*

(with onset illness symptoms consistent with MPX within 5 days of rash onset)


Fever >38°C (100.4°F)

                                       + / -

Other signs and symptoms:

          • Chills and/or sweats

          • New lymphadenopathy

(periauricular, axillary, cervical, or inguinal)


Refer to emergency department for assessment.                                                Advise to isolate until diagnosis determined.


If they report any of the supporting Epidemiologic criteria below consider facilitating the visit to the emergency department or an Infectious Disease Expert as appropriate.  

Epidemiologic Criteria:

Within 21 days of illness onset they report:

Contact with a person or people who have a similar appearing rash or received a diagnosis of confirmed or probable monkeypox 


Being a cis-man, trans or nonbinary individual who regularly has close or intimate in-person contact with men, including through an online website, digital application (“app”), or social event (e.g., a bar, party) 


Travel to a country with confirmed cases of monkeypox** AND at least one of the above criteria 


Travel to country where monkeypox virus is endemic*** 


Contact with a dead or live wild animal or exotic pet that is an African endemic species or used a product derived such animals (e.g., game meat, creams, lotions, powders, etc.)


*rash onset in the past 3 weeks

**WHO countries affected by monkeypox as of May 21, 2022:,South%20Sudan%20have%20documented%20importations%20in%20the%20past

*** WHO Monkeypox endemic countries are: Benin, Cameroon, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Ghana (identified in animals only), Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, the Republic of the Congo, Sierra Leone, and South Sudan.






Resources for any seeking services.


Free HIV and Syphilis testing at the 519